The Rubbish Taxi would first and foremost like to congratulate AVERT on their continued efforts at creating awareness of AIDS and doing their bit to eradicate this disease. On a side note, the team would also like to thank them for their gesture of a testimonial which reads:
AVERT is really pleased to have been the first charity selected by Rubbish Taxi for a donation from profits and we’re really grateful for the money received. AVERT works directly with local organisations who are working to avert the spread of HIV and AIDS; provides information to educate people about HIV and AIDS; and provides help and support to people across the world. Therefore, all donations count and will go to help us continue this work. We also think that this is a great idea from Rubbish Taxi and wish all its employees and customers a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
So once again, thank you to the team at AVERT. We encourage everyone to check out their website at www.avert.org and support this great charity.
Your director of Rubbish,
Paul Younan